I must apologize to the handful of you out there who've actually been waiting for this post. I went to the yard, along with Jeff Merrill (our salesman) and Steve D'Antonio (Systems Engineer extraordinaire) a few weeks ago for the final yard inspection. Since I got back I haven't been home for more than a couple of days in a row and other "life-stuff" got in the way of my putting up this post. We got back yesterday from the Ft Lauderdale International Boat Show (FLIBS). It was a very productive week in Florida and I'll discuss all the things we accomplished in preparation for commissioning in a later post. While at FLIBS we were able to see the latest 60 to cast off the commissioning dock - Chopin - and she's a beautiful boat. It only amplified our anticipation even more!
Back to the trip!
Before I walk through Blossom note that all the pictures are clickable for a larger version. If you've any questions or comments on what we've done - or why, please don't be shy to ask. We're proud of what Blossom is becoming and almost everything in her has been the result of much discussion and consideration.
This is also a very picture heavy, with over 200 in here, so I'm not going to start any until after the jump. Those of you that are bandwidth impaired be warned!
To Blossom!